Fair Health: Distribution of most common diagnostic categories in retail clinics in 2020

  1. Acute Respiratory Diseases and Infections: 25%
  2. Encounter for Immunization: 13%
  3. Exposure to Communicable Diseases: 10%
  4. Influenza and Pneumonia: 7%
  5. Ear Infections and Issues: 5%
  6. Urinary Tract Infection: 5%
  7. Encounter for Screening: 4%
  8. General Signs and Symptoms: 4%
  9. Injury to Body: 2%
  10. Encounter for Examination: 2%
  11. All Others: 23%
Notes: From a report entitled, FH® Healthcare Indicators and FH® Medical Price Index 2022: An Annual View of Place of Service Trends and Medical Pricing," based on data FAIR Health received from private payors regarding care rendered to covered patients.